Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Mystery Team (2009)

Directed by: Dan Eckman
Starring: Donald Glover, D.C. Pierson, Dominic Dierkes

The Mystery Team is a raunchy film from the guys at Derrik Comedy. They have gained a pretty big following on YouTube, and their increased popularity has allowed them to make their first feature length film. The humor is low brow, some of the jokes fell flat, and the acting can be a bit shaky in some areas. However, that didn't stop me from laughing out loud on more than one occasion. 

Our three main characters, Jason (Glover), Duncan (Pierson) and Charlie (Dierkes), are a trio of high school seniors, who seem to be stuck in their elementary school years. They venture around the neighborhood, solving "mysteries" for much younger kids. They mostly stick to juvenile "crimes" to solve, but still wish to  move on to become big league detectives some day. Most of their peers and elders are frustrated with them, seeing them as a bunch of naive losers. (Which they are.) Soon, The Mystery team gets a chance to prove themselves. A little girl commissions them to find out who killed her parents. Right from the onset, the team is dragged into a world of hired killers, gentlemen's clubs, and drug dealers. 

"Hi, we'd like to buy some cocaine." 

Most of the humor is low brow, with a few clever puns tossed in here and there. I didn't have any problems with most of the jokes, but I can still appreciate fart jokes. A few of the gags do fall flat, but the film doesn't dwell on them. It moves past them so quick and hits you with a new joke that you soon forget the one that didn't work so great. There are a few points where the film can get pretty disgusting- involving vomit and a scene inside of a seedy strip club bathroom. 

The acting, for the most part, is pretty solid. Glover steals the show with this one, while Pierson is close behind. Dierkes struggles in some places, and its pretty obvious, but he still manages to supply a good amount of laughs. The film manages to look pretty good considering it's low budget. Granted, there aren't any major action sequences or big special effects. 

Bottom Line: 7/10: Those who appreciate sophisticated humor should look elsewhere. For those who like bathroom humor, The Mystery Team may be perfect for you. The jokes fly at you non stop, the story is interesting, and the characters are enjoyable. I hope to see more from these guys in the future, it would be cool to see what they could do with more resources available. 

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